
Our journey with CBD began in 2015 and we were so blown away by the impact it had on our families wellbeing that we were compelled to share with our friends and so Full Circle Hemp was born. Founded on love and (com)passion our ethos today remains about relationship, integrity and sustainability. To that end we are passionate about bringing you the finest quality CBD that is grown to Organic Guidelines from Europe & America.
We will always endeavour to work closely with our partners, be that the growers we work with, the herbs we harvest for our skincare (yes they are our partners and allies too) or you our valued customers and extended family. We’re honoured to be sharing this incredible plant with you and firmly believe it to be the sustainable crop of the future. The benefits of cannabis and hemp to our mind are the biggest shift since the discovery of penicillin.
Full Circle Hemp are members of The Hemp Federation Ireland which not only gives you peace of mind but ensures accountability. All our products are registered, produced using Good Manufacturing Practices, ISO90001 Certified, third party Lab Tested.
Glenn Sullivan |
HFI Membership
Hemp Federation Ireland is the policy research and advocacy body for the Irish hemp industry. We provide our members with a full range of industry-specific support services and we represent the views of the Irish hemp industry across Irish government departments and agencies. Our systems approach to policy evaluation tracks the impact of shifting regulatory barriers and generates the arguments needed to bring about positive change in Irish and European policy perspectives. We are currently in the process of building a reliable and accurate information portal covering all regulatory, legislative and policy aspects of the Irish industry - we hope to be up and running very soon. In the meantime, you can contact us or read our industry response to the Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action via the links below.